Duck inspection

We’ve had a few ducks in the pond over the last few years. This year’s visitors hadn’t settled when I saw them, they were still checking out the place.

A pair of ducks wandering around the garden checking us out.

On one of our many Open Gardens visits we visited a rear garden of a house which has a pond. Each year a pair of ducks raise their ducklings in the pond.

The owner has to watch their progress and, when they are ready, he has to take the car out of the garage, open the side and front doors and the ducks lead their ducklings through the garage and across the road to freedom!

On one of our tours around America we visited Memphis. As well as visiting Gracelands to pay our respects to Elvis we called round to the Peabody Hotel. They have a “show” twice a day where they bring down in the lift a few of the ducks housed on the roof and parade them into the fountain in the ground floor lobby. It’s quite a popular event.


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