Holiday Highlights


People will know Xian, China, for the Terracotta Warriors – they are amazing. We saw other sights too like the Walls and the Drum Tower. Our introduction to Xian was something special

Except, when we arrived at the airport for our flight to Xian people were overflowing from the airport into the streets. We’d got to know Jin, our Chinese guide, well by now and when he said “follow me” then that’s what we did. We walked past the crowds trying to ignore their stares and into a deserted small room in the corner of the airport. “Stay there” he said. He came back with the information – flights had been delayed all day and our departing flight wasn’t due for four hours. He went off again – we waited as told for about half an hour. “OK, bring your cases and follow me – don’t stop anywhere.” We did, and ended up on an aeroplane which took off shortly afterwards, at least three planes ahead of the one we were booked on. We were on the way to Xian.

A welcome party
Dancing Displays

So, on the way from the airport to our hotel in Xian Jin said we’re just calling to see the city gates. Well, it was raining a bit and we were tired from extensive travelling over the last few days and we weren’t that keen – but if Jin says to go, we go. Wow! We got out of the minibus and saw the gate and then it all happened! We had the most amazing welcome party with several groups of dancers – all for our small group.

We were invited to the gate where we each individually received the Passport to enter the City of Xian. It was stamped with the Chop, an inked official seal of the city. Apparently this may be where we get “Chop Chop” for hurry along as if they wanted a document to travel in haste it would get two imprints of the Chop.

Needless to say, we were very impressed with our welcome to Xian as we wandered off to our hotel.

Obtaining our passport to Xian
Our passport

Warriors as they were intended
Warriors as found

We can’t mention Xian without a word about the warriors. With the ability to see things from around the world up close via television there’s always a little trepidation that the real things might not match up. Not the case here.

The building in which they are housed, a basic cover on the site where they were found is huge. It takes several minutes of looking to take it all in. Most of the warriors were crushed when found. There were beams over the trenches initially to protect them but these had deteriorated over the years.

As well as all being different they were brightly coloured originally and you can still make out a little colour in places. The area where they are painstakingly putting them back together is amazing. You can see warriors at various stages of completion.

It was one of the few places where we bought a guide book – and there was one of the three farmers who discovered them (?) there to sign it for you.

Some were in better condition
A group in the repair section