Pond Visitors

We’re pleased with our pond and lot’s of wildlife seem pleased with it too. We get a diverse assortment of visitors some, to us at least, less welcome than others. It’s strange how we choose which bits of nature we decide to support and which we don’t.

Here’s a few short videos of visitors to the pond over the last few days.

The video has a “Full Screen” button towards the bottom right corner if you wanted to see it more clearly.

Ducks in the pond

The pond is sometimes visited by ducks, we don’t think it’s really big enough for them to live there. Like most visitors they come for a drink and perhaps something to eat.

This pair were fine until they started eating the tadpoles and then they had to go!

Another visitor that pushes its luck is the crow. We seem to have a pair of crows visiting regularly at the moment for a drink. They also bring hard bread to dip in the pond to make it go soft – you’ll see that in this video.

Like the ducks they also go hunting for tadpoles. We’ve seen them turning over the pebbles to find tadpoles. No wonder we don’t end up with many baby frogs from all the frogspawn that’s laid.

Crows dunking their bread and looking for tadpoles
Hedgehog having a drink

One of our favourite visitors to the garden and the pond is the hedgehog. Last year we had two different ones wandering around – you could tell them apart by the way they walked.

Look carefully in the centre of this video and you’ll see the hedgehog drinking on the edge of the pond.

Mostly we get birds. Here are just a few that visited in the last few days and were caught on camera.

Birds visiting the pond

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