Watery Trent Walk

We thought we’d be fine this time. We’d set off with the idea of walking a little further. Down the Erewash Canal to the River Trent, along the river bank to the Cranfield Canal, and then back home up Pasture Lane. Well …

We’d set off early to avoid meeting too many people and we’d walked down the canal tow path rather than the muddy field – that was OK. We arrived at Trent Lock and went to set off along the river bank path towards Cranfield Canal. It wasn’t to be – the path along the river was completely submerged – see picture.

Not to be deterred we turned around and set off towards Sawley. The river was high as we walked alongside. A couple in a canal boat tied to a pontoon at the riverside said the water level was going down. There was evidence later that the water had been much higher.

We weren’t too disappointed on the enforced detour – the Waterside Cafe at Sawley Marina was open for takeaways and we had lattes and a delicious apple and toffee cake. Not sure if we’d walked far enough (4.77 miles) for all those calories.

Water going around the lock
River Trent flowing round the pontoon

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