We were pleased to see that the groups of Frogspawn had arrived in the pond this year.
What was not as good was that the pond level had dropped about 8 inches (20 cm for the initiated). I tried filling up from the water butts as usual but it didn’t seem to make much difference.
The Blue tape was a level checker.
I tried a couple of times with the water butts – I was thinking there must be a hole! Maybe the crow has been overenthusiastic wetting his bread and poked his beak through the liner.
I spent a while balancing precariously on the edge of the pond all the way round looking for a hole. The idea was that the hole, if there was one, must be at the lower water level as the water had stopped disappearing. I found nothing!
So, I filled it up to the top from the hose. I don’t normally use tap water as it can make the water go green because of chemical nutrients it contains.

Anyway, that was yesterday and as far as I can tell it’s dropped about half an inch (12.7 mm) today so I don’t understand what happened before. Is it going slowly?
Watch this space – I don’t fancy emptying a pond with around 1000 tadpoles in it!