You gotta have a dream

You gotta have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?

Oscar Hammerstein II

Well, at least that’s how the song goes. It’s difficult to always have something to strive for in the future and that’s especially so just now. I expect I’m not alone in finding plenty of things to be concerned about in our current situation. Days seem long and often without note and yet weeks seem to fly along – how does this happen?

Trying to look to the future I’ve been hunting out a holiday to research. We’ve enjoyed several road trips in the USA and would like another but had wondered if we’d “done it all”. It’s a vast place but, as we’ve found there are lots of “nothing” out there. I can remember driving all day across the American Plains between two holiday highlights – 450 miles of nothing.

So it was good to come across a web site describing great American byways. One of these was The Great River Road.

The route follows the Mississippi river from its source nearly at the Canadian border down through ten States to its mouth into the the Gulf of Mexico just south of New Orleans. A journey of nearly 3000 miles. There are actually several roads not just one as the States each side of the river want a piece of the action.

I’ve started the web search for information. Our pen pal Diane in Los Angeles has agreed to accept travel information from the various States and forward it on as most States don’t send information outside the USA. I already have the full map which itself is full of inspiration.

So – there may be a few pages in the main web site telling how I’m getting on. I think realistically we’re aiming for an autumn 2021 visit. In the meantime if you want to know more check out the GRR Web Site.

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